Monday, November 23, 2009

Dear People,

Okay, wow. I am apparently such a huge disturbance that it requires four different people to try and refute me.

That’s fine, but I’m a busy girl, please understand that I won’t be able to reply right away and I’ll have to give you guys single-comment replies. I can’t respond to all of you individually as much as I’d like to.

Let’s start with Bror, who keeps mixing up your and you’re. Here’s a tip, if what you mean to say is ‘you are’ then you turn the ‘a’ into an apostrophe and make it you’re.

I think that the Back Porch, with its insistence on women getting outside counseling (only the people there are not actually counselors) should at the very least make sure that the women they’re offering cookies to know that this will make it so they can’t have their surgery that day.

You claim “these women eat a cookie and have another day to think about the whole thing” but you’re ignoring the fact that Options does not only cater to local women. Women from poor communities in the North have to find a way to Options if they want an abortion. When The Back Porch feeds these women they are often taking away the only chance a poor woman has for a safe abortion. This usually means that those women are going to have unsafe abortions, which kill women.

I’m not the one denying PAS. The governing body of psychological and psychiatric research denies PAS. It simply doesn’t exist. Your experience as a pastor is biased because you are only encountering women who feel guilt afterwards. You are not talking to the women who feel relieved afterwards. Odds are the women you’re talking to had some sort of condition before the abortion (like say an abusive partner). You’re also not talking to the women who were forcibly impregnated by an abusive partner and the abortion was a welcome relief.

And your comment about murder is ridiculous. Abortion is not murder.

Now Bridgette,

Please find me one doctor who has a degree in abortion giving. No such thing exists. As for the doctors who perform abortions at that clinic, why do you care how old they are? My grandfather is over 80 and he still works on his farm. Is he too old to be working? You can’t state that just because someone is working at a particular age that they haven’t been doing their job right.

The Planned Parenthood article is mostly irrelevant to this argument. As I’ve stated the woman’s story is full of holes. She’d been caught removing patient files not long before she had ‘a change of heart’. It’s also questionable how she became the director of Planned Parenthood if she was apparently unaware of how abortions were performed. And I really don’t care how long the government expects you to keep receipts. The point is that abortions have never been a large part of Planned Parenthood. The cost of birth control over two years is way higher than that of an abortion. And Birth control takes far fewer staff members to hand out. It simply doesn’t make sense for abortions to be a large part of Planned Parenthood.

Any yes, Bridgette I am pro-choice and against the Back Porch. I think the Back Porch has a place, no doubt. But by refusing to give simple directions and by not warning the women in advance about the consequences of the cookies and lastly by spread false, fear-mongering, information they are far over-stepping their boundaries.

And Steve,

A six month old cannot survive alone, true, but it can be cared for by a myriad of other people. It is also separate from its mother, it is no longer inside the mother and it is no longer dependant on the mother and the mother alone. That’s why abortion is a choice a woman can make.

And lastly Amanda,

Again and again you insist that your only purpose is to educate women. But your actions have made it clear that you do not actually want women to make an informed decision. You want women to not have an abortion, period. You will do whatever it takes to make a woman ‘choose’ to keep the child.

You refuse to give any information on the risks of childbirth and the mental trauma of adoption. The CDC has shown that bearing a child is 13 times more likely to kill a woman than having an abortion. Let’s also not forget Post Partum Depression, do you have any pamphlets on that?

And once again I will state that I am not the one denying PAS. The governing body of psychology and psychiatry is the one denying PAS. The APA and countless per-reviewed, scientific and statistically sound studies after it, have shown that while some women do experience grief, those numbers are vastly outweighed by the women who feel relief. I’m not saying that there are not women who experience grief. But while you mention three women who had an abortion(s) and regretted it, I know three who have had abortions and did not regret it. And I don’t even run a clinic/ministry.

The women you see are not a proper sample. A quick statistics lesson for you; the women coming into your ministry are not a random sample. Without a random sample no correlation can be claimed.

So just because you see women who are unhappy with the counseling at WHO and just because you see women who feel grief does not mean that all women who have abortions are grieving and are unhappy with their choice.

You don’t want women to make an informed decision, this I know because you don’t address the risks of both options, only one. This is ironic, because you’re focusing on the procedure that is the safer of the two.

You are anti-choice, I know this because you spread false information and it breaks your heart every time a woman makes an informed choice.

I am pro-informed-consent-on-all-options, not just abortion. By only portraying the risks of one procedure you are fear-mongering. If you were at all interested in women making an informed choice you would be educating just as fiercely about the (much more common and deadlier) compilations of pregnancy.



Via: 1, 2, 3

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