Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An Unexpected Comment...

So this was unexpected…

The woman I’ve been debating on Blogspot for sometime not only posted my quote from the New York Oby/Gyn but she included a comment:

1. There is some logic to this and nobody has said that these providers are all heartless and evil. Though the commercial interest already mentioned must be taken into account.

2. Yet, what you write should not incite you against Back Porch or Pregnancy Care Centers?

3. It’s not all about money. People find money for what they find money for.

4. The ease of “under-the-counter”, where available, would be a problem, just like the abortion booked over the inter-net the night before. Or paying out of empty government coffers. The ease is a problem. Removing obstacles and stigma of abortion does not in the long run serve women.

5. Women “needing” these abortions, via pharmacy or clinic, is a symptom of other problems that should not be ignored: usually a history of poor choices involving males, relationships, schooling, sex and STD’s. Having an abortion or a series of them does not often wake them up to that. You have to have support and make some right choices before something will really help. The abortion is only a band-aid on a big gash of a wound.

6. Women coming out of the local abortion clinic are also needing emergency medical care and are transported off by ambulance.

7. Why are these pharmacy abortions available under the counter?

8. I sympathize with your ob-gyn friend. It is nearly impossible to do much in a busy practice beyond getting things done for the patient.

But obviously the patient needs also other care, which is social, psychological, spiritual. This care, however, involves the patient understanding where she has gone wrong. Saying that pro-lifers want to “punish” people for having sex, is a hysterical reaction.

When I counseled, a big opportunity always arose, when someone came in scared and it turned out they were not pregnant, at all. Then you have a huge opportunity to take time and explore where she’s been, wants to be going, what she’s learned from this scare, what this all means for her. It’s a big wake-up time. Ask them lots of questions and help them figure themselves out. Women need and deserve more than quick fixes. Men need to be men, too, and provide what they are supposed to provide. Ignoring the gravity of the situation (we are talking about your baby, a new person; you have got yourself into a big mess; you need to look your life and philosophy over very carefully) and not helping her with this, is doing her a disservice. There is a good chance she will continue to spiral, end up angry and yea, maybe with PAS or major disorders. And, yes, frequently, with more abortions. It will not have helped except dealt with a perceived “emergency”.

Making a good choice now, will set her up for more good choices down the road—such as making a choice, now, to give up that rotten “boy-friend”, that abusive “spouse”; talk to your parents, a pastor, a counsellor; place the baby with a family and visit the child; you can feel good about it and yourself, the rest of your life; they will love you and respect you. Or what else can happen—maybe even turning, or turning back, to God, whose love is the foundation for all profound love, your best friend. You have to realize you will not value yourself highly enough until you realize that the living God went to the cross for you, to bear the weight of your sins so you could have fellowship with him; and he did the same for your child. You should value the child just as highly, because Christ died for that person,too. Everyone is wanted.

(I’m not sure if it’s my ego here, but does anyone else see a wee bit of bottled-issues here?)

Here’s my reply:

I must admit I’m very confused here…
I posted a comment that was relevant to this discussion. It had nothing to do with CPCs, punishing people for having sex or anything like that.

I think your reaction is unreasonable.
That aside I’d like to clarify a few points:

1. Doctors make more if a woman remains pregnant. Many more visits and hospital stays.

2. I do not understand this point, please clarify it.

3. Your post was about de-funding abortion. This ob/gyn was explaining why that will actually cost the health care system money.

4. As I’ve stated before abortions are not drop-in procedures, there are waiting periods up to and over three weeks.

5. You don’t get to tell people what they can do with their life. Don’t go saying you know what’s best for everyone.

6.I suppose that’s true of a small minority. Most get in their cars and go on with their day.

7. You’ll note he says “medication to induce an abortion”. There are a wide variety of over-the-counter medications that have been shown to potentially induce abortions. Whether the medication he’s referring to is an abortificant by design or not is something I don’t know. However it shows that these women are desperate, they will do anything, including dangerous overdoses of everything from herbal tea to alcohol, to try and get an abortion. These unsafe methods kill 70,000 women every year.

9. Where did the woman “go wrong”?

10. There’s no such thing as PAS.
Fetuses are not persons.
Adoption is painful for women too, usually more so than abortion. Not all adoptions are open adoptions.
Stop mentioning your faith, your faith is not right for everyone.

I hope I’ve addressed some of your points, as unexpected as they were.



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